(760) 755-4698
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Lico’s Landscaping 

We beautify the outside of your property

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We provide professional services for residential yards and offer a wide array of services, such as designing, installing landscape features, and Maintenance services.


The outside of your Business is the first thing your consumers see. We want to help you have the outside of your business look just as good as your inside is run.

Our Services

Yard Maintanance & Cleanup

We do services weekly or bi-weekly based on whatever your specific yard maintenance needs done.

Extra jobs

We can help your yard visually pop with anything extra, whether that is fake grass, fire pits, or pavers. We want your yard to be your outside paradise.

Irrigation System

Irrigation instillation is our specialty. We can check your timaes or set up a whole new system. We want to save the world by saving water. We set up drip systems and turn off valves that are not being used.

Water Saving

We save water by setting up drip systems. we also fix timers, sprinkler heads and turning off valves. saving Water helps save our world.

Weeding, and removal

Removing weeds and blowing trash responsibly and disposal is part of our maintenance services. 


Fertilizer and weed keep up is an import part to keeping your yard looking young and healthy.

Why Chose Us

We understand that your property is a major investment and something you and others would like to feel good about when it is looked at. We are creative landscaping problem solvers. When we look at your property, we look at it holistically: soil composition, water retention, projected growth patterns, root structures, tree health, and many other factors. We then take great care in how our professionals assist our customers in achieving the best landscaping possible, resulting in better property value.  Our professional landscapers make your landscaping experience everything you hoped for.

“My Front yard was a mess and as much as others had tried it was never right until I hired Lico's Landscaping. I highly recommend them to anyone if you want it done right."

Jim – San Marcos

"I needed pavers in my backyard that needed to be put in as well as a tree removed that was damaging my house. Others had tried to remove the tree but no matter what was tried it kept growing back. Lico’s Landscaping took the time to do things right. I have never had a problem with that tree growing back again. The pavers that they installed also exceeded my expectations. I am glad I hired them."

Terri Scannell

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